Friday, July 31, 2009

Hatchlings have arrived!!

Turtle hatching season on Seabrook Island has finally arrived! And hatchlings have been spotted!

To follow the "when, where, and which nests" have hatched, click on the Seabrook Island Turtle Patrol website.

You're lucky if you get to visit Seabrook Island. You are even luckier if you get to see hatchlings during your visit.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

31 and counting!

As of July 14, 2009, 31 loggerhead turtles' nests have been found on Seabrook Island, SC. Wouldn't you know it-- three nests were found the day I left Seabrook.

To stay up to date with the nests found, visit the Seabrook Island Turtle Patrol's website. Pay attention to the dates in the far right-hand column. These are the "hatch" dates. Looks like some baby turtles could be hatching soon and making their way to the big, blue ocean.

If you haven't taken your summer vacation, it's a great time to visit Seabrook. Now through the end of August, you could even have a chance at seeing a turtle's nest "boil" and the hatchlings race to the water!